
Understanding Pilates

STOTT PILATES® is a contemporary approach to the original teaching of Joseph Pilates. Pilates is the optimal way to achieve strength, flexibility, and proper body alignment. STOTT PILATES® method comprises more than 500 exercises performed as a mat-based workout or using special equipment. The central concept of STOTT PILATES® is strengthening the core of the body – deep abdominals, lower back, and muscles around the spine.  As a fully equipped Pilates facility, Pyour Core offers more options for Pilates workouts than any other facility in the area. The Pyour Core team of Pilates trainers are fully certified & experienced on all Pilates equipment. Our Pilates trainers also hold specialized and extensive certifications in Athletic & Sports conditioning as well as injuries and special populations including neurological disorders for rehab.

The Benefits of Pilates

  • Strong, stable torso-abdominals, back, pelvis, hips, spine, shoulders, neck
  • Improved joint function and ease of movement
  • Flatter appearance to abdominal area
  • Restored height lost due to spinal compression
  • Improved posture and skeletal alignment
  • Improved body awareness that transfers to all other forms of movement
  • Relief from chronic joint pain
  • Improved athletic functioning through retraining of faulty movement patterns
  • Increased sense of well-being and self-esteem

Learn more about PYOUR CORE PILATES

Articles Of Interest

Pilates For The Sports Guy!

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